Copy these questions into an email, provide brief answers, and send to Fr Charles who will comment on them. After you have received you comments, then you can go onto the next lesson.
Questions for Lesson 11: The Orthodox Way of Life
1. What is purpose of your life?
2. What do you find as being central in your life now? How does our culture affect you?
3. What needs to be central in the life of an Orthodox Christian?
4. What the main message of the Fall?
5. What is it that we must be willing to do to live an Orthodox Life?
6. Why did Christ come? What did He do to help us?
7. What is the purpose as well as the difficulty of having a free will?
8. What is Spiritual Warfare?
9. What makes it so difficult?
10. What does askesis mean?
11. What are the main passions?
12. Which ones are strong in you?
13. What is the main front of this Spiritual warfare, where does the struggle take place?
14. What makes our passions have such an influence in our actions?
15. Describe how you understand how sinful acts take place in us?
16. What are examples of good passions?
17. What insight can we get from science about how our emotions work for control of our passions?
18. What needs to change within us?
19. What is meant by “guarding of the heart” or “watchfulness”?
20. How do our thoughts impact on us? Do you find negative thoughts distracting? How so?
21. When are we separated from God?
22. What is root of our anger?
23. What is the issue about resentment?
24. What is proper use of hate?
25. What is repentance?
26. Why is repetition important in spiritual life?
27. What must always motivate us in our ascetic efforts?
28. What must we always be aware of?
29. How can we get help to change our mind?
30. How do you understand the principle of Synergia?