Copy these questions into an email, provide brief answers, and send to Fr Charles who will comment on them. After you have received you comments, then you can go onto the next lesson.
Questions for Lesson 13: Fasting
1. What is an ascetic discipline?
2. Why are they important?
3. Explain why you think the church prescribes fasting for our spiritual benefit.
4. How is our desire for pleasure from consuming food similar to lust and greed?
5. How can fasting also help us control anger?
6. Is fasting Scriptural? How so?
7. When are we to fast according the Church Tradition?
8. How can fasting aid our prayer life?
9. What is error of Pharisaic fasting?
10. When are the times during the week we are to fast?
11. What are the different levels of fasting?
12. What are some of the other times of fasting other than the normal weekly practice? Why fast then?
13. What is the Lenten fast like?
14. When are we not to fast? Why?
15. Why is fasting not a negative practice?
16. How can you begin this practice of fasting? What difficulties do you see?
17. What questions do you have about fasting?