Copy these questions into an email, provide brief answers, and send to Fr Charles who will comment on them. After you have received you comments, then you can go onto the next lesson.
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Questions for Lesson 16: Death and Final Judgment
1. What is death?
2. What happens at death?
3. What is particular judgment?
4. What are main lessons from parable “Lazarus and the rich man”?
5. What is lesson from parable of the Talents?
6. What is the day of final judgement like?
7. What is the general resurrection?
8. When will the Second coming of Christ happen?
9. What are our resurrected bodies like?
10. How do we prepare for death?
11. Is the world eternal? Explain.
12. Why do Church fathers ask us to fear death?
13. Knowing God is all merciful what are we to do?
14. What is important for us to do?