Copy these questions into an email, provide brief answers, and send to Fr Charles who will comment on them. After you have received you comments, then you can go onto the next lesson.
Questions for Lesson 17: Scripture and Holy Tradition
1. Describe the key attributes of the Holy Bible.
2. What is difference between Scripture and a science book? A history book?
3. What in this statement is incorrect from an Orthodox perspective: “the Scripture of the Old and New Testament were given by inspiration of God, and are the only sufficient, certain and authoritative rule of all saving knowledge, faith and obedience.”?
4. Who decided which books were to be included in the Bible?
5. Where does the Authority of the Scripture come from?
6. Explain Holy Tradition. How does it relate to Scripture? What are consequences if it is rejected?
7. What’s gives us confidence that the current Bible we use is consistent with the time the Books were written?
8. What Scripture was commonly used at the time of Christ and the Apostles?
9. What is the Septuagint? Where did it come from? Why is it more accurate than the Hebrew Bible?
10. What are some of the books that are in the Septuagint but excluded from the Hebrew Bible?
11. When do we first see a common set of books being used in the various churches?
12. What New Testament book was not included in early church lectionaries? Why?
13. What is the nature of the contents of Scripture?
14. What what must we be aware of when using translations from the Greek language?
15. What is the lesson from the Ethiopian’s encounter with the Apostle Philip?
16. What is proper way to study the Bible?