Copy these questions into an email, provide brief answers, and send to Fr Charles who will comment on them. After you have received you comments, then you can go onto the next lesson.
Questions for Lesson 2: The Aim of an Orthodox Christian Life
1. What is Jesus asking of us based on the verses presented at the beginning of the lecture (e.G. “Seek first the Kingdom of God”)?
2. What about His comment to love our enemies? What is needed for this to be practical? Why does this seem so difficult?
3. What is the significance of the event where Jesus is Transfigured on Mount Tabor? What was reveled to us?
4. What does it mean to experience the indwelling of God? How is this different from merely believing in Him.?
5. How do understand when Jesus says that you may “become son’s of light”?
6. How can you develop this greater awareness of this indwelling of God and divine light?
7. How can you explain the purpose of life? How does this relate to our current reality?
8. What new important doctrines that come from Creation as told in Genesis?
9. What does being created in the “image and likeness of God” mean for how we understand human dignity and potential?
10. What is the unity that Adam had at the time of his creation? What does this mean for us?
11. What is consequence of Adam and Eve disobeying God’s command not to eat the fruit of the tree?
12. What role does free will play in our path toward redemption and theosis?
13. How can the Church be viewed as a spiritual hospital?
14. Explain your understanding of Theosis?
15. What does it teach us about the purpose of our ife?
16. What are some ways you can seek a spiritual transformation and pursue Theosis in your daily life?