Copy these questions into an email, provide brief answers, and send to Fr Charles who will comment on them. After you have received you comments, then you can go onto the next lesson.
Understanding Faith
1. How is faith defined in your own words? How does it differ from mere intellectual belief?
2. The Greek word for faith, pistis, conveys trust, loyalty, and obedience. How does this change the way you view your relationship with God?
3. What role does grace play in the development of faith? Can faith exist without grace?
Zeal and Spiritual Growth
4. How does zeal accompany true faith, and why is it necessary for living an Orthodox Christian life?
5. What does Jesus mean when He speaks of bringing “fire to the earth” (Luke 12:49)? How does this relate to spiritual zeal?
6. How can we nurture zeal for God? What signs might indicate a lack of zeal in our lives?
Awakening to God’s Grace
7. What are some indicators of separation from God, as outlined in the presentation? Do you see any of these indicators in your own life?
8. Why is awakening necessary for spiritual growth? What is Saint Theophan the Recluse’s view of awakening to grace?
9. How have you experienced God's awakening grace in your own life, if at all? What steps can you take to be more receptive to it?
Essence and Energies of God
10. How does the distinction between God’s essence and His energies help us understand how we know God?
11. What practical ways can you experience God's energies in your daily life?
12. How does the experience of God's energies differ from intellectual knowledge about Him?
The Role of Synergia (Cooperation with Grace)
13. What is the Orthodox understanding of synergia, and how does it contrast with the idea of salvation by faith alone (sola fide)?
14. How does cooperation with God’s grace manifest in your daily actions and decisions?
15, Why are repentance and continual spiritual effort necessary, even after receiving grace?
Faith, Works, and Salvation
16. Why does Orthodox Christianity emphasize a synergy between faith, works, and grace?
17. How does Saint Paul’s exhortation to “work out your salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12) shape your understanding of the Christian life?
18. In what ways does a life of repentance and obedience strengthen your faith?
Living a Life of Faith
19. How does participation in the Church’s Mysteries (Baptism, Confession, Holy Communion, etc.) foster faith and spiritual growth?
20. How do suffering and trials contribute to awakening faith and deepening trust in God?
21. What practical steps can you take to cultivate a deeper relationship with God through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving?