Copy these questions into an email, provide brief answers, and send to Fr Charles who will comment on them. After you have received you comments, then you can go onto the next lesson.
Questions for Lesson 6: The Fall
Understanding the Fall and Ancestral Sin
1. What does the story of Adam and Eve teach us about human nature and sin?
2. How does the Orthodox view of the Fall differ from a legalistic interpretation of original sin?
3. What consequences did humanity experience because of the Fall?
Life Before and After the Fall
4. 4. How did life in Paradise differ from life after the Fall?
5. What role did the Devil play in the Fall, and why was the temptation successful?
6. What is the significance of Adam and Eve’s awareness of their nakedness after the Fall?
God's Response and Human Responsibility
7. How did God respond to Adam and Eve after the Fall? What does His search for them reveal?
8. How did Adam and Eve respond when confronted by God? What was missing from their response?
9.What do the Orthodox teachings say about repentance, and why is it essential for salvation?
Ancestral Sin vs. Original Sin
10. What is the Orthodox doctrine of Ancestral Sin? How does it differ from the Western doctrine of Original Sin?
11. Why does the Orthodox Church teach that humanity did not inherit guilt from Adam and Eve?
12. How does St. Paul’s teaching on death help clarify the consequences of sin?
The Incarnation and Redemption
13. Why was the Incarnation necessary for human salvation?
14. How does Christ’s life show us how to live in union with God?
15. What did Christ’s death and Resurrection accomplish regarding sin and death?
Salvation through the Church
16. What role does Baptism play in overcoming the consequences of Ancestral Sin?
17. Why did Christ establish the Church, and how does it serve as a “spiritual hospital”?
18. How do the sacraments and spiritual disciplines help us cooperate with God in healing from sin?
The Role of Free Will and Theosis
19. How is free will essential to human nature and spiritual growth?
20. What is the ultimate goal of human life, according to the Orthodox teaching on theosis?
21. How do we achieve theosis, and what role does God’s grace play in this process?
Reflections on Salvation
22. Why is it important to understand the Fall and Ancestral Sin correctly?
23. How does viewing sin as illness, rather than guilt, shape our understanding of salvation?
24. In what ways can we live out the victory over death that Christ achieved through His Resurrection?