Copy these questions into an email, provide brief answers, and send to Fr Charles who will comment on them. After you have received you comments, then you can go onto the next lesson.
Questions for Lesson 8: Preparing the Way - Incarnation of God
1. What was on the mind of the Jewish people at the time of Christ?
2. What proof do we have of the Historical truth of Jesus?
3. What was nature of Christ’s birth and why do you think God chose this way for the birth of His Son?
4. What is significance of His presentation in the Temple?
5. Who was John the Forerunner? Why is he important in this story?
6. What happened when John baptized Christ? What was revealed?
7. Why is Mary so important to Orthodox Christians?
8. What can we learn from Christ’s dialog with Nicodemus?
9. What was revealed in Christ’s encounter with the Samaritan woman?
10. What happened when Jesus reads Scripture in the Synagogue in Nazarus?
11. Was the healing of the Paralytic at the pool meant to teach the Jews and now us? How?
12. Why do you think Jesus healed so many?
13. What do we learn from the story of the paralytic who was brought to Jesus and lifted down through the roof?
14. Why did Jesus’s encounter with the tax collector, Matthew, upset the Jews?
15. What are some off the things we learn from the Sermon on the Mount? (Read Matthew chapter 5 & 6)
16. What consequences does Jesus teach us if we do not do what he teaches?
17. What was the most difficult thing that Jesus taught that the Jews could not understand? Why is this still difficult for us?
18. What is the Transfiguration of Christ? What do we learn from it?
19. Why did Jesus weep at the tomb of Lazarus before He resurrects Him.
20. Why did Jesus choose to enter into Jerusalem like He did? Why were the people so excited?
21. When Jesus tells His disciples about the end times, what is His main message then and now?
22. What is the greatest Commandment and the second one?
23. What does faith with works mean?
24. Why was Jesus Crucified? Who convicted Him?
25. What do you learn from His torture and then His painful death? What did He show us?
26. What is the climax of His life? What is the main message taught and celebrated every Sunday in the Orthodox Church? Why?
27. What happens in the feast we call the Ascension? What is its lesson?
28. What happens at Pentecost? What does this mean for us?
29. How did Peter convert so many? What was his main image?